Protecting your data - 7 tips for a smarter, safer Black Friday shopping spree

We are only showing first 5 branches near you. Click here to view the full list
Address: Union Castle Building 54-57 Adderley Street 8001
Phone number: (021)4234000
Address: Ground Floor Srg House Cape Town Cnr Mostert And Plein Street 8001
Phone number: (021)4607695
Address: 108 Victoria Warf, V&A Shopping Centre Waterfront 8001
Phone number: (021)4185520
Address: 11a & 12 Gardens Shopping Centre Mill Street, Gardens 8001
Phone number: (021)4618015
Address: G3, G4, G5, F32, F35 Cavendish Square Shopping Centre Dreyer Street, Claremont 7700
Phone number: (021)6831310/1
Address: 203 Canal Walk Shopping Centre Century Boulevard Century City, Milnerton 7441
Phone number: (021)5517500
Address: 203 Canal Walk Shopping Centre Century Boulevard Century City, Milnerton 7441
Phone number: (021)5517500
Address: 70 Kenilworth Centre Doncaster Road, Kenilworth 7745
Phone number: (021)6714085
Address: 56,57 Maynard Mall Main Road, Wynberg 7705
Phone number: (021)7978748
Address: 42-45 Constantia Village Centre Constantia 7800
Phone number: (021)7946180
Address: E1 Bayside Shopping Centre Cnr Blaawberg And West Coast Road, Tableview 7441
Phone number: (021)5578337
Address: 86 Vangate Mall Vangate Dve, Athlone 7764
Phone number: (021)6333388/9
Address: 71 Parow East Sanlam Centre Voortrekker Road, Parow 7501
Phone number: (021)9394180
Address: E1 Bayside Shopping Centre Cnr Blaawberg And West Coast Road, Tableview 7441
Phone number: (021)5578337
Address: S73 N1city Loutjie Rothman Street, Goodwood 7460
Phone number: (021)5951429
Address: S73 N1city Loutjie Rothman Street, Goodwood 7460
Phone number: (021)5951429
Address: 72 Gugulethu Square Cnr Ny 1 And Ny 3 7751
Phone number: (021)6386459
Address: F228 Blue Route Mall 30 Tokai Road, Tokai 7945
Phone number: (021)7126843
Address: 2 & 3 Golden Corner Voortrekker Road 7530 Bellville
Phone number: (021)9484958
Address: 35 Tygervalley Centre Willie Van Schoor Drive 7530 Bellville
Phone number: (021)9141306/7
Address: G30-G32 Willowbridge Mall 39 Carl Cronje Road, Tygervalley 7536 Bellville
Phone number: (021)9149058
Address: 58-60 Westgate Mall Cnr Vanguard Drive And Morgenster Road 7785
Phone number: (021)3716156
Address: 57 Promenade Shopping Centre Cnr Az Berman And Morgenster 7785
Phone number: (021)3763116/9
Address: G23 Long Beach Mall Cnr Buller Louw Drive And Sunnydale Road, Noordhoek 7975
Phone number: (021)7855947
Address: 2 Kuilsriver Winkelsentrum Van Riebeeck Drive 7579 Kuilsriver
Phone number: (021)9066191
Address: 40 Zevenwacht Village Centre Cnr Jan Van Riebeeck And Polkadraai Roads 7580 Kuilsriver
Phone number: (021)9032049
Address: 113 Eikestad Mall 43 Andringa Street 7600 Stellenbosch
Phone number: (021)8874659
Address: 32 Somerset Mall Intersection Of N2 And R44 7130 Somerset West
Phone number: (021)8511167
Address: 65,66 Paarl Mall Cnr Cecelia And Vlei Streets 7646 Paarl
Phone number: (021)8634461
Address: 59 Lady Grey Street 7646 Paarl
Phone number: (021)8726401
Address: De Bron Centre Voortrekker Street, Malmesbury 7300 Malmesbury
Phone number: (022)4821273
Address: 3 Cnr Church And Short Street 7655 Wellington
Phone number: (021)8733000
Address: 23 Hermanus Station Village Development Cnr Royal & Roberts Streets 7200 Hermanus
Phone number: (028)3124803
Address: 22 Mountain Mill Centre 13 Mountain Mill Road 6850 Worcester
Phone number: (023)3470606
Address: 21 De Keur Shopping Centre Voortrekker Street 6835 Ceres
Phone number: (023)3162055/6
Address: L2 West Coast Mall Saldanha Road 7380 Vredenburg
Phone number: 022)7134364
Address: Robertson Sanlam Building Church Street 6705 Robertson
Phone number: (023)6263481
Address: 9 Elim Mall Corner R578 And Bandelierskop 0960 Elim
Phone number: (015)5563598/4223
Address: 4 Fanie Vermeulen Centre Voortrekker Street 8160 Vredendal
Phone number: (027)2131209
Address: 20 Langeberg Mall 6500 Mossel Bay
Phone number: (044)6952821
Address: 27 Mossel Bay Mall Cnr Louis Fourie Road And Melkhout Street 6506 Mossel Bay
Phone number: (044)6931834
Address: 113 High Street 6620 Oudtshoorn
Phone number: (044)2791633
Address: C3 Loerie Shopping Centre Meade Street 6530 George
Phone number: (044)8733370
Address: 20 Garden Route Mall Knysna Road 6529 George
Phone number: (044)8870088
Address: G09 Knysna Mall Cnr Main, Grey And Nelson Strs 6571 Knysna
Phone number: (044)3820737
Address: 7 Woodmill Walk Long Street 6571 Knysna
Phone number: (044)3823225
Address: G45 Fountains Mall St Francis Road 6330 Jeffreys Bay
Phone number: (042)2931633
Address: Uitenhage Woolworths Building Caledon Street 6299 Uitenhage
Phone number: (041)9227415/55
Address: G36 Clearly Park Shopping Centre Standford Road 6059 Bethelsdorp
Phone number: (041)4811473/4
Address: 40 & 41 Walmer Park Shopping Centre 17th Avenue 6070 Port Elizabeth
Phone number: (041)3671739
Address: 28 Greenacres Shopping Centre Ring Road, Green Acres 6045 Port Elizabeth
Phone number: (041)3632203
Address: Shop 95-99,Govan Mbeki Avenue 6001 Port Elizabeth
Phone number: (041)5857971
Address: Cnr Scott And Hill Street 8801 Upington
Phone number: (054)3322181
Address: No 26 Kalahari Mall Cnr Of Rondom, Van Riebeeck And Malherbe Str 8801 Upington
Phone number: 054)3311407
Address: 66 High Street 6139 Grahamstown
Phone number: (046)6223340
Address: 11 Rosehill Mall R72 Main Road 6170 Port Alfred
Phone number: (046)6243576
Address: 21 Royal Mall Komani Street 5320 Queenstown
Phone number: (045)8385545
Address: 36 Kathu Village Mall Hendrick Van Eck Road 8446 Kathu
Phone number: (053)7231465
Address: 75-79 Cathcart Street 5319 Queenstown
Phone number: (045)8396195
Address: 72 The Diamond Pavilion Oliver And Macdougal Roads, Monument Heights 8301 Kimberley
Phone number: (053)8313171
Address: 43 Jones Street 8301 Kimberley
Phone number: (053)8311055
Address: 1&2 Jones Street Mall Bounded By Jones, Currey And Chapel Streets 8301 Kimberley
Phone number: (053)8324237
Address: 6 Metlife Mall Corner Cross & Smith Street 5601 King Williams Town
Phone number: (043)6421085
Address: 10 Livingstone Street 8460 Kuruman
Phone number: (053)7122499
Address: 8 Livingston Street 8460 Kuruman
Phone number: (053)7120532
Address: 42 Kuruman Mall Livingstone Street 8460 Kuruman
Phone number: N/A
Address: 24 Mdantsane Shopping Centre Mdantsane 5219 East London
Phone number: (043)7625948
Address: 2 Oxford Street 5201 East London
Phone number: (043)7220729
Address: Lg4 Hemingways Mall Cnr Western Avenue And Two Rivers Drive 5201 East London
Phone number: (043)7261504
Address: U17 Upper L Vincent Park Shopping Centre Devreux Avenue, Vincent Park 5247 East London
Phone number: (043)7268788
Address: 61a Shelly Beach Shopping Centre Cnr Marine Drive And Beach Rd 4265 Shelly Beach
Phone number: (039)3156995
Address: 17 Northridge Mall Cnr Eufees And Groenewald Street 9301 Bloemfontein
Phone number: (051)4331451
Address: L49 Mimosa Mall Cnr Mellville Drive And Kellner Str 9301 Bloemfontein
Phone number: (051)4446911/2
Address: F35 Loch Logan Waterfront 105-107 Henry Street, Westdene 9300 Bloemfontein
Phone number: (051)4486761
Address: B3, B5 & B7 Middestad Sentrum 1-13 Floreat Mall 9301 Bloemfontein
Phone number: (051)4482714
Address: 42 Heidedal Shopping Centre Cnr Heatherdale, Witherow And Sonnebloem Streets 9306 Heidedal
Phone number: (051)4324616
Address: 4 Cosmic Gold Centre 5 D F Malan Street 8570 Hartswater
Phone number: (053)4741295
Address: Vryburg Centre Market Street 8601 Vryburg
Phone number: (053)9273271
Address: 63 Mthatha Circus Triangle Shopping Centre Port St Johns Road 5100 Umtata
Phone number: (047)5310452
Address: 36 Goldfields Plaza Goldfields Mall, Cnr Buiten Street & Stateway Boulevard 9459 Welkom
Phone number: (057)3527214
Address: 4 Odendaalrus Shopping Centre Cnr Waterkant And Wessel Street 9480 Odendaalrus
Phone number: (057)3543410/057
Address: 4 Odendaalrus Shopping Centre Cnr Waterkant And Wessel Street 9480 Odendaalrus
Phone number: (057)3543410/057
Address: 105+107 107 Cross Street 9499 Kroonstad
Phone number: (056)2124651
Address: 12 Kokstad Regional Centre 80 Main Road 4700 Kokstad
Phone number: (039)7274409
Address: 10 Regional Shopping Centre 80 Main Road 4700 Kokstad
Phone number: (039)7274701
Address: 121 City Mall Klerksdorp Cnr Church And Neser Street 2571 Klerksdorp
Phone number: (018)4621339
Address: 59 Oliver Thambo Street 2571 Klerksdorp
Phone number: (018)4629921
Address: 40&41 Dihlabeng Mall Preekstoel Road 9700 Bethlehem
Phone number: 058)3030264/0244
Address: 16 Muller Street 9701 Bethlehem
Phone number: (058)3034691
Address: 1 New Mall Okay Road 0 Mbabane Swaziland
Phone number: (00268)24048597
Address: 5 Northwest Mall Cnr Carrington And Main Road 2745 Mafikeng
Phone number: (018)3812320
Address: 39 Mafikeng Mall Cnr Carrington And Carrey Streets 2745 Mafikeng
Phone number: (018)3817481
Address: 12 Lichtenburg Mall 3 Dr Nelson Mandela Drive 2740 Lichtenburg
Phone number: (018)6321263/41
Address: Lichtenburg Sanlam Centre Cnr Mellville And Gerrit Maritz Str 2740 Lichenburg
Phone number: (018)6323225
Address: 39 Potchestroom Pick N Pay Centre Cnr Church And Retief Street 2531 Potchefstroom
Phone number: (018)2945228
Address: 10 Setsing Shopping Centre Cnr Setai And Motlaung Street 9866 Phuthaditjhaba
Phone number: (058)7131976
Address: 6 River Walk Shopping Centre Mooi River Drive 2531 Potchefstroom
Phone number: (018)2944389
Address: 11,12 Mooi Rivier Mall Cnr Mooi Rivier And Potgieter Streets 2531 Potchefstroom
Phone number: (018)2931869
Address: 2 Cnr Liebenberg And Kort Street 9585 Parys
Phone number: (056)8115419
Address: 12 Port Shepstone Centre 33 Aiken Street 4240 Port Shepstone
Phone number: (039)6820745
Address: 5 Zeerust Shopping Centre 53 Church Street 2865 Zeerust
Phone number: (018)6421132
Address: 50-50a Warden Street 9880 Harrismith
Phone number: (058)6222232
Address: 15 & 16 Sasolburg Square Shopping Centre John Vorster Road 9570 Sasolburg
Phone number: (016)9762306
Address: 29 Man Carltonville 29 Flint Street 2499 Carltonville
Phone number: (018)7861463
Address: 23-25 Denerol Building 25 Flint Street 2499 Carltonville
Phone number: (018)7872191/2
Address: 98 Vaal Mall Cnr Rossinni And Barrage B/Vd 1911 Vanderbijlpark
Phone number: (016)9310038
Address: 12 Vaalgate Centre Vanderbijlpark 1911 Vanderbijlpark
Phone number: (016)9311518
Address: 2 & 3 22 Voortrekker Street 1939 Vereeniging
Phone number: (016)4551389
Address: B01 Thabong Shopping Centre Unit 10, Extension 1 Moshoeshoe Street 1984 Sebokeng
Phone number: (016)5921261
Address: 40 Mark Park Shopping Centre Cnr Beaconfield And Voortrekker Str 1939 Vereeniging
Phone number: (016)4551052
Address: Cnr Voortrekker Street And Merriman Avenue 1939 Vereeniging
Phone number: (016)4224532
Address: 209 Evaton Plaza Cnr Golden Highway, Eastern, And Charleston Street 1984 Evaton West
Phone number: (016)582 1311
Address: T1 Riversquare Shopping Centre Nile Drive 1929 Three Rivers
Phone number: (016)4235000
Address: L5 Eyethu Mall 124th Street 1841 Orange Farm
Phone number: N/A
Address: 73 Edendale Mall Cnr Edendale Main Road & Mount Partridge Road 3217 Pietermaritzburg
Phone number: (033)3982760
Address: 85 Liberty Midlands Mall 50 Sanctuary Road 3201 Pietermaritzburg
Phone number: (033)3454496
Address: 206 Church Street 3201 Pietermaritzburg
Phone number: (033)3452776
Address: 39,40 & 41 The Oval Shopping Centre Keats Street 3370 Ladysmith
Phone number: (036)6373453
Address: U48,U51 Trade Route Mall Cnr Nirvana Drive And K43 1820 Lenasia
Phone number: (011)8521207/1255
Address: 53 Protea Glen Shopping Centre Cnr R558 And Protea Boulevard 1819 Protea Glen, Soweto
Phone number: (011)2970147
Address: 39 Village Square Shopping Centre Main Reef Road Between 7th And 8th Streets 1759 Randfontein
Phone number: (011)6931563
Address: 23-25 Protea Gardens Mall Old Potchefstroom, Road And Alekhine Street 1809 Soweto
Phone number: (011)9803410
Address: 68 & 70a Jabulani Mall Cnr Bolani And Koma Streets 1868 Jabulani
Phone number: (011)9301871
Address: 87 Waterfall Mall Shopping Centre 1 Augrabies Avenue, Waterfall Park, Cashane Ext 12 0299 Rustenburg
Phone number: N/A
Address: 36a Dobsonville Shopping Centre 75 Mmesi Park Dobson Ville Road 1863 Dobsonville
Phone number: (011)9884572
Address: 269a Southgate Mall Cnr Columbine And Rifle Range Road 2091 Mondeor
Phone number: (011)9422134/5
Address: U238,U239 Southgate Mall Cnr Columbine And Rifle Range Road 2091 Mondeor
Phone number: (011)9414480
Address: The Mall Plein Street 0299 Rustenburg
Phone number: (014)5921251/2
Address: 24 Key West Shopping Centre Cnr Paardekraal Rd And Viljoen Str 1739 Krugersdorp
Phone number: (011)2730131
Address: 19 Hillcrest Shopping Centre Cnr Main, Hospital Rds 3610 Hillcrest
Phone number: (031)7652087
Address: G68 The Galleria At Arbourtown Cnr Moss Kolnick And Arbour Rd 4126 Umbogintwini
Phone number: (031)9045113
Address: 57,58 & 29b Westgate Shopping Centre 120 Ontdekkers Road Horizon View 1724 Roodepoort
Phone number: (011)7680581/2
Address: 201-202 Kwamnyandu Shopping Centre Griffiths Mxenge Highway 4066 Umlazi, Durban
Phone number: (031)9070211
Address: M22,M23,M24 Umlazi Mega City 50 Mangosuthu Highway 4001 Durban
Phone number: (031)9121569
Address: M25 The Glen Shopping Centre Cnr Orphen And Letaba Streets 2190 Oakdene
Phone number: (011)4361700
Address: 76 Chatsworth Centre 13-17 Joyhurst Street 4092 Chatsworth
Phone number: (031)4038879
Address: 19 & 20 Southdale Shopping Centre Cnr Alamien And Landsborough 2901 Southdale
Phone number: (011)6802156
Address: L20 & L26 The Glen Shopping Centre Cnr Orphen And Letaba Streets 2190 Oakdene
Phone number: (011)4358807/9
Address: L31 & L34 The Glen Shopping Centre Cnr Orphen And Letaba Streets 2190 Oakdene
Phone number: (011)4350557
Address: L79 Cradlestone Mall Corner Hendrik Potgieter And Furrow Roads 1754 Pinehaven,Mogale
Phone number: (011)6621342
Address: L3 Centro Continental Shopping Centre Cnr Prarie And Geranium Street 2910 Rosettenville
Phone number: (011)4354981
Address: 217 Pinecrest Centre 17 Kings Road, Pinetown 9207 Kwazulu Natal
Phone number: (031)7014727
Address: 89 Chris Hani Crossing Cnr Brickfield Road & Bierman Road 1468 Vosloorus
Phone number: (011)9010001
Address: 2-4 Swiss House Cnr Main And Simmond Street 2001 Johannesburg
Phone number: (011)8345910
Address: 129 Newton Junction Cnr Carr Street & Miriam Makeba Street 2001 Newton
Phone number: N/A
Address: 41,42 & 43 Victoria Centre Cnr Jordaan And Voortrekker Streets 2403 Heildelberg
Phone number: (016)3412475
Address: Truworths House Jhb 70 President Street 2001 Johannesburg
Phone number: (011)3302000
Address: 3,4 & 5 Bank City 29 Kerk Street 2001 Johannesburg
Phone number: (011)8386573
Address: G14 Carlton Centre 150 Commissioner Street, Marshalltown 2001 Johannesburg
Phone number: (011)3311245
Address: U132-U134 Alberton City Shopping Centre Voortrekker Road 1449 Alberton
Phone number: (011)9077604
Address: 18 Heidelberg Mall Cnr Jacobs & Retief Street 1441 Heidelberg
Phone number: N/A
Address: 271 The Pavilion Shopping Centre Jack Martens Drive, Westville 3630 Westville
Phone number: (031)2650417
Address: 6 The Bluff Towers 318 Tara Road 4052 Bluff
Phone number: (031)4678501
Address: U43 Westwood Shopping Centre 16 Lincoln Terrace 3630 Westville
Phone number: (031)2667283
Address: L20 & L21 Bedford Centre Smith Road, Bedford Gardens 2007 Bedfordview
Phone number: (011)6221414
Address: L27,L28 Eastgate Shopping Centre 43 Bradford Road 2007 Bedfordview
Phone number: (011)6164057/8
Address: 70 Golden Walk Shopping Centre 141 Victoria Street 1401 Germiston
Phone number: (011)8731070
Address: U330 Sandton City Shopping Centre Cnr Rivonia Road & 5th Street 2196 Sandhurst
Phone number: (011)7839002
Address: 179 Balfour Park Shopping Centre Cnr Athol And Northview Roads 2192 Highlands North
Phone number: (011)8851205
Address: 223-225a,240 & 241 Musgrave Centre Musgrave Road 4062 Berea
Phone number: (031)2012833
Address: Village Walk Shopping Centre Maud And Rivonia Road Sandown 2196 Sandown
Phone number: (011)7846266
Address: G46 Pan Africa Shopping Centre Watt Street And 3rd Street 2090 Alexandra
Phone number: (011)4405342/5044
Address: 61 Durban Workshop Centre 99 Aliwal Street 4001 Durban
Phone number: (031)3063311
Address: Truworths Building Dbn 387 West Street 4001 Durban
Phone number: (031)3040371
Address: 68 Tsakane Mall Cnr Modjadji And Malandela Streets 1550 Tsakane
Phone number: (011)8154953
Address: 3 & 4 Elukwatini Crossing Main Road 1192 Elukwatini
Phone number: (017)8831889
Address: 37 Eden Meadow Shopping Centre Cnr Van Riebeeck And Modderfontein Rd 1645 Modderfontein
Phone number: (011)6094876
Address: U088,U089 Greenstone Shopping Centre Cnr Modderfontein And Van Riebeeck 1644 Greenstone Hill
Phone number: (011)5240684
Address: 128b East Rand Mall Cnr Rietfontein & Northrand Road 1459 Boksburg
Phone number: (011)8232628/9
Address: 56 & 57 Mall At Carnival Airport, Heidelburg And Rangeview Rds 1541 Brakpan
Phone number: (011)9155104
Address: 22 Kempton Square Cnr Central Ave And West Street 1619 Kempton Park
Phone number: (011)9702016/7
Address: 128 & 129 Festival Mall Cnr Kelvin And Cr Swart Drive Ester Park Ext 9 1619 Kempton Park
Phone number: (011)3942733
Address: U62 Lakeside Mall Cnr Tom Jones And Mowbray Street 1501 Benoni
Phone number: (011)4271851/2
Address: 8 Brakpan Plaza Voortrekker Road 1541 Brakpan
Phone number: (011)7409474
Address: 17 Birch Acres Mall Cnr Isimuku Street & Andrew Mapheto Drive 1628 Tembisa
Phone number: (011)920776
Address: 26 The Avenues Shopping Centre 5th Avenue 1559 Springs
Phone number: (011)8153629
Address: 118 Village Mall Schoemansville 0216 Hartbeespoortdam
Phone number: (012)2531330
Address: 1 Hans-Marie Trust Building Corner Pienaar & De Wits Avenue 0250 Brits
Phone number: (012)2520051
Address: 29 Lethlabile Mall Corner Main And Osaletseng Streets, Lethabile Block C 0264 Brits
Phone number: N/A
Address: 111 Brits Mall Cnr Hendrik Verwoerd R511 & Maple Ridge Rd 0250 Brits
Phone number: (012)2500209
Address: 17 Forest Hill Shopping Centre N14 Highway Along The R55 0157 Monavoni, Centurion
Phone number: N/A
Address: 20 Dundee Boulevard Centre Karel Landman Street 3000 Dundee
Phone number: (034)2181926
Address: 15 Mayfield Shopping Centre Lurie Road 2091 Mayfield, Daveyton
Phone number: (011)9680311
Address: 20 Newcastle Mall Cnr Oak Avenue And Ladysmith Road 2940 Newcastle
Phone number: (034)3261105
Address: 4,5 City Central Mall Cnr Scott And Allen Street 2940 Newcastle
Phone number: (034)3125797
Address: 15-19a Monument Sentrum Sarel Ciliers Street 2429 Standerton
Phone number: (017)7124091
Address: 44 Mall At Reds Cnr Hendrik Verwoed & Roohuiskraal Drives, Rooihuiskraal North, Extension 15 0157 Centurion
Phone number: (012)6569011
Address: 20 Amajuba Mall Cnr Victoria And Allan Streets 2940 Newcastle
Phone number: (034)3125694
Address: 34 Irene Shopping Centre Nelmapius Road 1675 Irene
Phone number: (012)6624047
Address: 208 Centurion Mall Embankment Avenue, Verwoedburg 0157 Centurion
Phone number: (012)6631827
Address: 4 Tudor Building 21 Church Street 0001 Pretoria
Phone number: (012)3286703
Address: 9 Poyntons Centre 138 Church Street 0002 Pretoria
Phone number: (012)3265089
Address: 70a Wonderpark Shopping Centre Cnr Carissa And Camelia Rd, Karenpark X9 0118 Akasia
Phone number: (012)5492400
Address: 15,16 Ga-Rankuwa Shopping Centre Lucas Mangope Highway 0208 Ga-Rankuwa
Phone number: (012)7000328
Address: 15,16 Ga-Rankuwa Shopping Centre Lucas Mangope Highway 0208 Ga-Rankuwa
Phone number: (012)7000328
Address: 18 Sammy Marks Square Cnr Church And Van Der Walt Str 0002 Pretoria
Phone number: (012)3286849
Address: 74 Brooklyn Mall 338 Bronkhorst Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk 0181 Pretoria
Phone number: (012)3462106
Address: G123 Menlyn Park Shopping Centre Cnr Menlyn Drive & Atterbury Road, Menlo Park 0081 Pretoria
Phone number: (012) 3481218
Address: 1 North Park Mall Cnr Rachel De Beer And Emily Hobhouse Str 0182 Pretoria
Phone number: (012)5462198
Address: 101 Northam Plaza Cnr Provincial Road 1235 & P 16/2 0360 Northam
Phone number: (014)7844497
Address: 14-17 Moruleng Mall Main Hospital Road (P50-1) 0318 Moruleng
Phone number: N/A
Address: 11 Amajuba Park Corner Adelaide Tambo And Vrede Street 2470 Volksrust
Phone number: (017)7355805
Address: 59 Joubert Street 2470 Volksrust
Phone number: (017)7352483
Address: 4,4a,4b,5 & 6 Woolworths Building Secunda Rautenbach Street 2302 Secunda
Phone number: (017)6347811
Address: 23 Soshanguve Crossing On The North Wastern Corner Of Ruth First Road & Aubrey Matlala Street 0512 Soshanguve
Phone number: N/A
Address: 47-49 Central City Shopping Centre Site 425 Unit E 0190 Mabopane
Phone number: (012)7027988
Address: 66 Jubilee Mall Cnr Jubilee Road (D154) & Harry Gwala Road (D2757) 0400 Hammanskraal West
Phone number: (012)7271188/(012)7271382
Address: 8 Shoprite Centre Bronkhorstspruit Cnr Lanham And Kruger Street 1020 Bronkhorstspruit
Phone number: (013)9320306/8
Address: 43 Kopanong Centre Douglas Rens Road 0400 Hammanskraal
Phone number: (012)7113432
Address: 1 Bethal Sanlam Centre Cnr Eeufees And Market Street 2310 Bethal
Phone number: (017)6473705
Address: 26 Eshowe Pick And Pay Centre Cnr Kangella And Osborn Roads 3815 Eshowe
Phone number: (035)475470/1
Address: 16 Kwa-Guqa Centre Corner N4 Highway, Komdraai & Mathew Phosa Streets 1034 Kwa-Guqa, Witbank
Phone number: N/A
Address: 17a & 18 Highland Mews Cnr Watermeyer And Hans Strydom Street Klipfontein 1034 Witbank
Phone number: (013)6974265
Address: 23 Highveld Mall Cnr N4 Highway And Mandela Street Del Judor Emalahleni 1034
Phone number: (013)6923878
Address: 16 The Oaks Shopping Centre 51 Kerk Street 2351 Ermelo
Phone number: (017)8112116
Address: 26 King Senzangakhona Centre Cnr Princess Magogo & Dinizulu Highway Of R66 3838 Ulundi
Phone number: (0358)700047/61
Address: 01 Copanile Building 40 Voortrekker Street 2571 Warmbaths
Phone number: (014)7362906
Address: 25 Middelburg Mall Portion 7 Of Erf 11076, Ext 26 1055 Mpumalanga
Phone number: (013)2441446
Address: 22-25 Middleburg Sanlam Centre Market Street 1050 Middelburg
Phone number: (013)2825168
Address: 312 Empangeni Sanlam Centre Maxwell Street 3880 Empangeni
Phone number: (035)7721772
Address: 83 Potgieters Street 0510 Nylstroom
Phone number: (014)7172806
Address: 108 Modi Mall Cnr Thabo Mbeki Drive And River Street 0510 Modimolle
Phone number: N/A
Address: 23 Voortrekker Shopping Complex Retief Street 2380 Piet Retief
Phone number: (017)8262541
Address: 6 Piet Retief Shopping Centre Cnr Kruger & Kerk Streets 2380 Piet Retief
Phone number: (017)8261263
Address: U50 The Boardwalk At Inkwazi Kruger Rand Road 3900 Richards Bay
Phone number: (035)7894075
Address: 40 Paledi Mall R71, Turfloop Township 0727 Mankweng
Phone number: N/A
Address: 19 Mtuba Shopping Mall Corner P237 And Nkosi Mtuba Road 3935 Mtubatuba, Kwazulu Natal
Phone number: (035)5500114/046
Address: 2 Makapan Mall Cnr Thabo Mbeki Riebeeck 0601 Mokopane
Phone number: (015)4913460
Address: 23-25 The Crossing Cnr Retief And Thabo Mbeki Streets 0601 Mokopane
Phone number: (015)4913670
Address: 16 Mall @ Lebo R579 0745 Lebowakgomo
Phone number: (015)6337411
Address: Ug53 Ilanga Mall 8 Flambouyant Street 1201 Nelspruit
Phone number: (013)7422236
Address: Cnr Brown And Paul Kruger Street 1201 Nelspruit
Phone number: (013)7533602/3
Address: 5 Nelspruit Plaza Cnr Henshall & Bester Streets 1201 Nelspruit Cbd
Phone number: (013)7525794
Address: 203,204,205 & 206 Riverside Mall White River Road 1201 Nelspruit
Phone number: 013)7570321/2
Address: 57 Landros Maree Street 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2952900
Address: P1 & P2 67 Landros Mare Street 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2913301
Address: 13 And 14a Limpopo Mall Cnr Rissik And Church Streets 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2973461
Address: 37 Middestad Centre Cnr Rissik And Market Street 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2974834
Address: 25 White River Shopping Centre Cnr Kruger Park And Hennie Van Till Streets 2140 White River
Phone number: (013)7511730
Address: 22 Seshego Circle Ditlou Street 0751 Seshego
Phone number: (015)2235734
Address: 29 Savannah Mall Cnr Grimm And Thabo Mbeki Streets 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2963632
Address: U12 Mall Of The North Corner Of The R81 And N1, Bendor Extension 0699 Polokwane
Phone number: (015)2651453/4/5
Address: 20 & 21 Tzaneen Crossing Skirving Street 0850 Tzaneen
Phone number: (015)3075085
Address: 16 Tzaneng Mall 24-26 Danie Joubert Street 0855 Tzaneen
Phone number: N/A
Address: 1 Noor Centre Cnr Munnik & Trichardt Streets 0920 Louis Trichardt
Phone number: (015)5164171
Address: 42-44 Makhado Shopping Centre Cnr N1 Highway And Sibasa Rd 0955 Makhado
Phone number: (015)5163644
Address: 13 Masingita Mall Cnr Main And 1st Streets 0832 Giyani
Phone number: (015)8124026
Address: 31&34 Mvusuludzo Shopping Centre Post Office Street 0950 Thohoyandou
Phone number: (015)9626277
Address: 24 Maponya Mall Old Potchefstroom Road, Klipspruit, Ext 5 1837 Soweto
Phone number: (011)9383848
Address: 20 Cape Gate Centre Cnr De Bron And Okavango Road 7560 Brackenfell
Phone number: (021)9811121
The Alliance Trading company opened their first store in Cape Town in 1917. In the 1930’s the company opened their second store and changed their name to Truworths Fashion House. The chain grew rapidly and by the 1950’s over 50 Truworths stores were fully operational and the chain reached the R1 million milestone in sales merchandise.
As of 2014 they have over 500 outlets in South Africa as well as more than 5 franchise operations in the greater African region.
Truworths today forms part of Truworths International which is a JSE listed investment holding company. Truworths International has within its group Truworths, Identity, YDE and Uzzi.
The retailer bring stylish and exciting fashions to consumers of all ages, sizes and tastes. The are uniquely positioned as the country’s premier fashion retailer who cater for the youthful, quality-conscious consumer. Their merchants have extensive experience forecasting and interpreting international fashion trends which ensures that Truworths clothing is always in line with latest fashions and styles from around the world.
As a group of dynamic individuals, the Truworths team are encouraged to voice their unique opinions and ideas, which allows for great collaboration and product innovation. Their merchant trainees are the future of Truworths and they believe that by investing in their potential, they are reinforcing the success of the company. Truworths also offer a Trainee programme which provides valuable work experience for interns. This program also grooms top candidates for permanent merchandising positions within the company.
Truworths has won many great awards throughout the years, this further reinforces the unique quality and style that Truworths affords to their customers. Some of their awards include:
2010- Market retailer of the year at the Oracle World retail awards
2011- They won second place in the clothing retailer category at Ask Afrika Orange Index.
2012- Top online award
2013- Truworths (along with YDE and Identity) were placed in the top 10 for the clothing store category at the Sunday Times Generation Next award.
2014- Truworths wins first place in the clothing retailer category at Ask Afrika Orange Index.
A range of Truworths specials and deals are available throughout the year with all great deals showcased via their online and offline Truworths Catalogues. If you are a Truworths account holder, a wide range of benefits are available to you including buy now pay later options, entries into competitions as well as great Truworths clothing specials. After you open a truworths account you can receive up to R200 in shopping vouchers.
Don't delay, browse Guzzle now to view great specials and deals at a Truworths store near you.