Wish your contacts a happy birthday with Stories on Facebook
CAPE TOWN - Facebook announced that is launched a new Stories feature that allows users to celebrate birthdays on the platform.
The new feature allows users to create a personalised birthday message on Stories for any of your Facebook contacts that are celebrating.
Facebook said in a statement: " People have always come to Facebook to connect with friends and celebrate important moments, like birthdays. Today, we’re launching birthday stories globally — a way for friends, family and everyone in your community to add digital birthday cards, photos or videos to a story celebrating your big day. The result is a happy birthday message that’s visual, memorable, interactive and fun — it’s like getting a personalized birthday card from everyone you care about, no matter where they are in the world."
According to the company, in order to use the feature, all users have to do is, “Just tap on the birthday notification, shoot or upload a photo or short video or use one of our digital birthday cards, and you’ve instantly got a birthday wish."
Stickers and the Happy Birthday song can also be added to these posts.
Once completed, the user celebrating their birthday can then view curated wishes dedicated to them in a single story.
The birthday stories feature is available across the globe.
Written by: Gabriella Steyn.
Guzzle media
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