Instagram launches new @shop account to advertise small businesses
CAPE TOWN – Instagram announced that it has launched its new @shop account which will be the company's dedicated space for small business promotion and sales.
The account aims to feature “emerging brands” in the beauty, fashion and home industries.
Instagram said in a statement: " @shop is a new account created for our community of people who love to shop, brought to you by the team at Instagram. @shop is a celebration of small businesses and the creators behind them. The content on this account is inspired by our community of shoppers — you. @shop is a real-time reflection of our community’s interests across top shopping categories like fashion, beauty, home decor and more."
"Every product featured on @shop includes product tags so you can easily tap to shop!"
The account features content from US brands like Mented Cosmetics and Feel jeans and Instagram is yet to announce if it will feature brands across the globe.
Written by: Gabriella Steyn.
Guzzle Media
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