Discount deals with Dis-Chem valid until 18th of October 2020
Dis-Chem is having its monthly discount deals that are valid between the 23rd of September until after pay-day, going right up until the 18th of October.
This will allow you to continue to save for the month up until the next pay-day.
The retailer notes that the specials may not be available at all stores and is valid until stocks last.
Here is a list of specials:
1. Cetaphil
2. Good Stuff Sanitizer Spray
3. Vaseline Lip therapy
4. Pringles
5. Aquafresh Ultimate toothpaste
6. Revlon Spray
7. Vital baby essentials
8. Huggies Jumbo Nappies
9. Comfort
10. Johnson's Baby Powder
For more specials, see the full catalogue here.
In addition to these specials, Dis-Chem has partnered with the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa to provide free screenings such as blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol and blood glucose at all Dis-Chem Wellness Clinics.
Customers interested in booking an appointment can book in-store or call 0861 117 427.
Written by: Gabriella Steyn.
Guzzle Media
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