Chief buyer at Ackermans shares her journey to success
The McKinsey’s Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters study states that gender-diverse companies are 21% more likely to outperform their counterparts in terms of profitability and this is due largely to the fact that companies with diverse leadership, including women, tend to be more innovative.
The same study further noted that companies with more than 30% women executives were more likely to outperform companies where this percentage ranged from 10 to 30.
Women leaders often exhibit stronger interpersonal skills, fostering a positive work environment and companies benefit from having women in leadership roles when operating in diverse global markets as they bring cultural sensitivity and a global perspective to decision-making that helps organizations navigate international business complexities.
However, entering these roles can still be a challenge for many women, especially in an industry such as apparel retail which requires a keen understanding of market trends, consumer preferences and effective negotiation skills to obtain the best possible deals.
Chief Executive of Buying at Ackermans, Stacey-Anne Scholtz acknowledges that it all starts with hard work and determination and starts in some of the most junior roles. Her journey began as a casual employee folding clothes at Mr Price.
“This inspired me to pursue a degree in Retail Business Management at Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) where I learned very early on about the importance of working hard and making her voice heard as a woman in business,” says Scholtz.
“The turning point came when I was selected for an in-service program at Harrods in the UK during my studies where the experience broadened my horizons and further fueled my determination to create a better life for myself and my family.”
Her journey involved working long hours, late shifts, and every public holiday imaginable. She moved up the ladder from a trainee store manager in Clicks to landing an office role where she navigated challenges to carve her career path. The pivotal moment came when she moved to Johannesburg to take on a buyer assistant role in the apparel industry, which she took on despite warnings from others.
Scholtz adds, “I intentionally diversified my experience, moving across different retailers, aiming to polish my skills and broaden my exposure in the industry to grow as a professional.”
Throughout, her focus has remained on self-improvement and competing only with herself. This journey led her to her first executive role at Woolworths at the age of 35 which several years later led to her appointment and current role as Chief Executive of buying at Ackermans.
There are six fundamental principles that Scholtz accredits to having guided her in life and her career:
1. Luck Favors the Prepared
Always be prepared and have a vision for yourself. Actively seek out and create opportunities. You can never overprepare, only over present.
2. Be Willing to Put in the Hours
Regardless of your path, success requires arduous work. You cannot excel without putting in the necessary effort and dedication.
3. Believe in Yourself and Build Your Brand
Be courageous, and confident, and have a unique point of view. Your actions contribute to your brand – be aware of your choices. Life is about perspective and focus. What anchors me are my faith, family, and a supportive husband. Remember, when you secure a seat at the table, use it well. Find a prominent spot and never stop challenging the perceived ceiling.
4. Working in Corporate is a Team Sport
Collaboration is key. Connect with people, expose yourself to decision-makers, and embrace constructive criticism for self-improvement.
5. Surround Yourself with Inspiring People
Build a supportive network. Learning never stops, and having experienced mentors can provide valuable perspectives, especially in a political corporate environment.
6. The Only Limitations Are the Ones We Place on Ourselves
Believe in your values, challenge limitations, and don't make excuses. If an environment stifles your growth, consider seeking a new one. Being a female executive in a male-dominated environment requires resilience, confidence, and a willingness to take calculated risks.
“Being a woman is not a disadvantage, it is a strength because diverse leadership enhances corporate performance. What I have learnt about success as a woman is that self-belief and confidence are important. Keep your focus, work hard, and confidently take your seat at the table,” concludes Scholtz.
Supplied by: Ackermans.
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