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About Dis-Chem

Dischem | Latest Catalogues and Specials

Dis-Chem started out in 1978 as a small pharmacy in Mondeor. To this day, Dis-Chem stores are still owned and operated by the original founders.

The Professional Management review still rates the pharmacy as the best pharmacy chain in South Africa. It has also been voted best pharmacy, best health store and best medical supply store in both the Pretorian news readers and Star your choice surveys.

Dis-Chem’s managing director, Ivan Saltsman says that "Dis-Chem was built on the ethos of old-fashioned family values. However, the concept of the 'trusted local pharmacist that everyone knows' is under pressure from the sheer volume of customer numbers and the increased pace of modern-day living. Dis-Chem has evolved to the next level of customer service by not only living by their motto, 'take care of the customer and the business will take care of us,' but by taking it a step further in extending that caring attitude to the community at large, which will be delivered through the Benefit Programme."

The Benefit program allows customers to earn points on each purchase (except for prescription medication as per government legislation) which they can then redeem on their next purchase.

Dis-Chem store Offerings

Dis-Chem stores offers a wide variety of products including:

Baby care products: Including baby diapers, food, medicine and many more quality products for your baby's well-being.

Cosmetic products: Including all cosmetic for your face, hair, nails, lips and much more. Dis-Chem also stock a variety of cosmetic products from reputable brands such as Revlon, Avon, L'Oreal, Maybelline and many more.

Health products: A vast range of health products for all your health care needs. Dis-Chem also offers a wide variety of health foods, supplements and homeopathic products.

Personal care products: Such as soaps, bath products, a variety of creams and ointments as well as many more products tailored for all personal care requirements.

Vitamins: Dis-Chem offers a wide range of supplements, vitamins and self medication products to keep you healthy and happy.

Dispensary: Dis-Chem also has a major dispensary which provides customers with all prescription medication. Other household products: Dis-Chem sells a variety of household products such as irons, coffee makers, insect repellants, pet accessories and much more.

Dis-Chem and Guzzle

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Expired Dis-Chem Catalogues

Expired 12 Jan. 2025

Expired 12 Jan. 2025

Expired 24 Dec. 2024

Expired 8 Dec. 2024

Expired 24 Dec. 2024